Serve Team

Serve – we are the hands and feet of Jesus

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10

There is nothing like serving in the House of God. You get to be a part of something bigger than yourself, make new friends and do the work of the ministry. From housekeeping and being a Connection Group leader to running a camera or teaching in Faith Kids, there are plenty of available positions. The is no shortage of vision here at FHC! We believe that joining a serve team will help you hear  “Well done” from Jesus Himself.

Being on a Serve Team helps you fulfill your God-given purpose and advance the Kingdom of God.

To get started, click on the Serve Team form button and fill out the form. Somebody on staff will contact you and get you in a position that best suits your gifts and talents.

Here is a list of Serve Teams:

Baking Team

Camera Team

Coffee Shop Team

Faith Kids Team

Flourish Women’s Meeting Team

Greeter Team

Healing School Team

Hospitality Team (The Hub)

Housekeeping Team

Landscaping Team

Lighting Team

Online Audio Team

Parking Lot Team

Projection Team

Usher Team

Worship Team

Youth Team

For those of you on the Serve Team here is the login page for Planning Center. An easier way to find it is by downloading the Church Center app on your phone and putting Faith Heights Church as your church.

Here is our Pathway of Connection sheet.